
With the columns prop you can specify what columns you want to see in the table, enable sorting/filtering and map the data from rows prop.

Basic structure

For example, your "columns" object might look like this,

columns: [{
        label: "id",
        name: "id",
        filter: {
            type: "simple",
            placeholder: "Enter id"
        sort: true,
        label: "First Name",
        name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
        filter: {
            type: "simple",
            placeholder: "Enter first name",
            case_sensitive: true, // "false" by default
        sort: true, // "false" by default
        initial_sort: true, // "false" by default
        initial_sort_order: "desc" // "asc" by default
        label: "Email",
        name: "email",
        sort: true,
        row_text_alignment: "text-left",
        column_text_alignment: "text-left",
        row_classes: "my-row-class1 my-row-class2",
        column_classes: "my-column-class1 my-column-class2"
        label: "Country",
        name: "", // access nested objects properties with "."
        filter: {
            type: "simple",
            placeholder: "Enter country"

Attributes details

Column slot

At some point, you might want to override or format the values in the column header.vue-bootstrap4-table allow you to achieve that with the help of vue slotting.


<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="column_email" slot-scope="props">
    <template slot="column_name_first_name" slot-scope="props">
columns: [{
            label: "First Name",
            name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
            sort: false,
            label: "Email",
            name: "email",
            sort: true,

Column slot name will be combination of column_ keyword with the name which you provided in the columns configuration. In the above example, slot="column_email" represents the "email" column header in the table.


You might have some columns with nested objects names. In that case, the slot name will be column_ keyword + column name and dots(.) in the column name will be replaced by underscore(_).

You can see the above example, slot name for name.first_name column is column_name_first_name.


From slot-scope="props" you can access the following attributes.

Last updated